Monthly Inspiration #1 September

September is kind of like a new year. We come back tanned and ready for new adventures.

The monthly report is our new resolution to us, Team Wilma. Every month we will write a small article with things that we have discovered, that inspire us and that we want to share with you.
A monthly dose of inspiration here we go!🌞

Second Life


In her podcast, Hilary Kerr highlights women who have successfully made career changes and mastered the pivot without fear. Artists, mothers of founders, writers, visionaries and more about how they found THEIR version of success and fulfillment.
She shares with you their winding road of missteps, lessons, difficult moments and even glaring failures from which we can all learn.

New episodes come out every Monday morning, perfect to start the week with a dose of inspiration.


Picture Second Life Podcast


Grimpeurs Cyclist House


If you are passing through Lyon, France don't miss the new cycling spot: Grimpeurs. They have a selection of very good coffees, organic and vegan meals, but also an indoor training room and a selection of cycling articles including soon the 1st lifestyle collection of Wilma 🙌
If you need advice, they will be able to answer all your questions. They also organize once a month a 100% feminine ride.

Their address: 2 rue d'Oran 69001 Lyon, France
Open 7/7






Shoe Dog (2016) tells the story of the man behind the famous footwear company Nike. These blinks offer a peek into the mind of genius entrepreneur Phil Knight and detail the rollercoaster ride he went to through to build up his company.

If you haven't read this book yet, we really recommend it!

At Wilma, we loved it! 

Shoe Dog book from Phil Knight


Yoga for Cyclist

 yoga for Cyclist 


Cycling offers excellent cardiovascular benefits; however, many cyclists experience excess tension in the shoulders, back and hips. The repetitive nature of the biomechanics of cycling and the cyclist's posture itself create physical imbalances that cyclists, in particular, must try to counteract.
In this article, Jenny Thomas, explains in a quick and easy way, how to practice some yoga postures to relieve tension and help you feel better on the bike.

You can read the complete article here.


More reading

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